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Writer's pictureNjabulo Mabanga

Your Social Relativity Blinds You From Seeing Your True Potential

One of the many detrimental factors that limit many from seeing their potential is their belief and reliance on their social relativity. Where most act based on their social relativity, unconsciously so in many cases.

Social relativity is the phenomenon that the only thing that matters to human well-being is how one stands relative to others. People judge how their lives are based on those relative to them, those in their immediate environment, their family, friends, schoolmates, co-workers, and neighbours.

Many tend to avoid judging their lives based on who they were yesterday and who they aim to be tomorrow. But judge themselves by looking at those next to them.

If they think they are better than their family member, neighbours or friends, they then get the impression that they are doing well in their lives. The same applies when they think they aren't doing well. If those around them do better than them, they get the belief that they are failing.

"People judge their successes or failures based on how those around them are doing"

This behaviour is an indication that people generally do not know what they want. They go around claiming they do, but in actual fact, they do not know. They want what others want.

Have you said something to a friend and the next thing they also want it, or they go get it? For example, you may tell a friend that you like a certain type of sneaker, and the next thing, he or she has bought that same sneaker.

This is because of this social relativity phenomenon, they got the sneaker before you as that subconsciously gives them an impression that they are "doing better" than you. Therefore, feel better about themselves, relative to those close to them including you.

Living with this sort of mentality leads one not to realise their potential, it literally blinds them to who and what they could potentially become. However, I must mention that for many, this happens unconsciously.

If I compare myself to those in my environment, if I stay in a township for example, the probability is that I will never leave the township or reach massive heights of success simply because the little I have will make me feel as though I have made it as I would seemingly be better than the low-to-none income earners I compare myself with.

This is the reason why many who have the means to leave the township and go to better safe and healthy environments refrain from doing so. Because the means they have make them feel as though they have reached their pinnacle, ignoring the fact that they relatively compare themselves to none-income earners.

And worse in the townships, they start giving them names like, ma-Thousand, King, Bozza, and Nja ye-Game. This elevates the delusion of success even more.

And this is how your social relativity blinds you from seeing your true potential.

You might be doing what you are really talented in, you might be doing bigger things in your life, or you might be making a huge impact in the world, but you are not because you compare yourself to your immediate friends and neighbours. That blinds you from seeing your capabilities that can propel you to way bigger things than those little things you think are big.

This is because many do not know what they want. They go wherever the wind pushes them to.

To be better and be extraordinary, refrain from judging yourself based on how those around you are doing but what you were and who you want to become. This is the only way that will open a clear path for you to realise your potential.

This will give you a clear set of steps and rules to follow to be the best version of yourself.

You may even be shocked by the things you can do, and the capabilities you have to acquire an unimaginable amount of success and do what God has bestowed you with. But many do not realise that because they only look at life within the parameters of their family, co-workers, friends, and neighbours.

Stop judging your successes and failures based on those socially close to you. Refrain from viewing the lives of others as a measurement of your own.

Stop being blinded by social relativity.

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