As we grow and learn, we get to be more wiser the more we experience different things, meet different people, and be in different situations. With those experiences, we get to understand certain phenomena about life, how, and what it actually is to live amongst others. And often, those lessons sometimes are hard to be accepted and embraced. Even when they are true.
However, the best way to understand these lessons and live peacefully it is to accept them, no matter how painful it may be to.
Here I have complied five of what I think are some of the hard pills to swallow but once you swallow and accept them, they will make your life a 100X better:
1) No one owes you anything, including your parents
This is the hardest pill to swallow because a lot of people have both both the entitlement and victimhood mentality. Knowing this truth is probably the best knowledge that an individual can possess, even from early on in their lives.
Acknowledging this is key to whether one will become successful or not. Unsuccessful people have the victimhood mentality. And always feel entitled. If things do not go their way, they start blaming others, their parents, partners, or even the government. The best thing one can do for their own life is to know and accept that all that which they want entirely depends on themselves. Others may merely be supporting pillars, but do not owe you anything.
2) Not everybody likes you, not everybody will
Generally, from our early upbringing; we get socialized to live our lives in such a way that others must like us. Hence teenagers spend all of their teenagehood trying to please their peers - their worth is determined by their social circles and whether they are liked by others or not.
The lack of knowing that not everybody likes you is detrimental, especially if you grow into your adulthood not knowing this truth. This may be a hard pill to swallow, but swallowing it can be a life changer.
3) Your happiness depends on yourself, not on others
Because we are social beings, sometimes we tend to expect those in our immediate social lives such as close family members and friends to somewhat play a role in how happy we are, or get to be.
The truth is, no one owes you happiness, including those you love and trust. Your happiness entirely depends on you, and you only. Expecting others to make you happy is like expecting the sun to rise from the west. It will not.
Knowing this truth - will not just make your life better but will aid you into actively choosing to be happy irrespective of the situations you encounter.
4) Pay close attention to those close to you, your enemies are there
We generally tend to think those who want to hurt us are those from a distance and those whom we are aware they hold some sort of grudges against us. But the sad truth is - the most dangerous foes are those close to you.
This is a hard pill to swallow but doing so, will give you the ability to be aware of your surroundings and be able to spot those who may have bad intentions for you yet claim to love you.
5) No one cares about what you do until you win
You may be in your hustling or struggling phases of your life, and the truth is, many people do not care about what you are trying to do or achieve. People are busy with their lives and have their own life challenges. As you take actions which seem as though their results aren't visible, people really do not care that much. They will care once you start winning and when the fruits of your efforts are visible to them.
Understanding this will ensure that you do not feel entitled and sad that some people do not care about your hustle. But continue grinding until you get that you work towards to. Most people will only truly support and care about what you do when they see you winning. It is an unfortunate reality but it is a reality. So win.
All of the above are the most hard pills to swallow, but once you do, watch your life becoming better.