Some individuals seek motivation and inspiration from others before they take a course of action. This is one of the reasons why the self-improvement and motivation industry is worth a billion rands.
For anyone who has a clear intention and goals they aim to achieve or attain, their motivation to get up and act wouldn't first be to wait for someone to inspire them to do so. The motivation would come intrinsically, they wouldn't need to get motivation and inspiration from external forces or conditions such as being inspired by the successes of others.
Generally, those who tend to get inspired by those around them, their inspiration is often sparked by seeing other's success, not necessarily by their own personal motivation.
One would feel more amped if they see their friend buying a new car.
Another would feel inspired by seeing their colleague buying a new house.
Another will get motivated by knowing their neighbour is graduating from University.
The common thread that individuals who only get inspired by such conditions is that they frankly do not know what they want, but want what others have.
Without any of these 'inspirational' experiences of others, they would literally sit around in their comfort zones doing nothing.
This is the downside of waiting to be 'inspired' or 'motivated' by other people.
You want to attain what others have but neglect the fact that what they have - the very thing that inspires you - you may not be able to achieve it too. Your course of life may be to be in a different direction from that which you think you also should take.
Using other people's personal experiences as your only inspiration can make you feel worse.
This is because you judge how your life is based on those around you. At times, those around you can achieve and obtain successes you can never have, simply because what they do does not mean you should do it too.
If you have a clear and defined purpose and plan, this above statement would not bother you as you would not be comparing your life's journey to your friend, classmate, neighbour, or colleague.
I must mention that it is not an entirely bad thing to be inspired by others. What makes it dangerous is when you only draw inspiration from others as your only motivation to act.
Being inspired by others should only be secondary to your intrinsic motivations, not to be the main source of your inspiration. This is what builds emotions of envy, and those then build resentment.
Hence, to only get inspired by those around you will only make you feel worse and drag you to a lower level than you actually may be at.
The only principal form of inspiration should come from within. The rest can only supplement what is already in motion.
Never use inspiration from others as the source that gets you up in the morning. The fundamental of it all is that it shall be intrinsic at its core.