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Writer's pictureNjabulo Mabanga

The Cost of Being Different

If you are lucky enough to be weird, don’t change.

For example, in the image of this post, the sneaker that stands out is the red sneaker amongst all the white ones, which makes it unique. The same applies to human life as well.

Your difference comes with uniqueness among the rest who are the same. And uniqueness brings attention, and it may be hard to deal with all the unnecessary attention especially if you do not like attention. But the upside to this is that that uniqueness will bring you unending opportunities. And the downside is the probability of experiencing mockery or bullying in your earlier years.

Young children mostly see a difference as odd, understandably so because of their cognitive immaturity, hence they resort to mocking what they see as odd.

Back to the example of the sneakers in the pic, if the sneakers were humans, the white sneakers would likely mock and ridicule the red sneaker because it is different from them, not realizing the uniqueness of it. That alone may likely influence the red sneaker to look down on itself simply because it is different.

Being different is being yourself. Sometimes, people just won’t understand your journey and they might think you’re weird. In this situation, it’s easy to forget that it is actually okay to be different and instead, we try to be someone else in order to be accepted and understood. This is the most common pitfall of being different.

But with time as we grow most of us get to realize that the one that is different is the most unique and stands out. Which makes them gain an upper hand in the marketplace compared to the others who are all the same.

Unfortunately, many do not realize this power. They go their whole lives trying to fit in, trying to be someone or something they are not.

Most ignorant people never embrace other people's differences (which is most of our society by the way). But if you are different that should not be a matter of concern to you. What matters is that all the costs that you think are against you for being unique are a fallacy. You ought to embrace and use your difference to your advantage, that is what the world wants - uniqueness.

For example in business, they speak of a USP, a business's Unique Selling Point - which essentially means what makes a product or service better than the competitors. So this is how your difference shall apply to you - how does it make you unique from the rest?

And thus use it to gain opportunities and leverage in whatever market you trade-in. Be it whether you're a painter, a lawyer, a singer, or really anything you specialize in.

Being different is to embrace yourself and accept the differences of others. Moreover, use your difference to your advantage whenever possible as that is your source of power.

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