In a world where the pursuit and accumulation of money is paramount to everything for many, they try to attain as much money as possible by chasing after job titles that seemingly come with a huge paycheck. But that comes with its perils.
As we grow, we have ambitions and wishes we aim to see come to life. As we enter the professional environment, many tend to aim to rise to the top of a hierarchy, rising up the ladder. With this mentality and aim, job titles are what many chase after — fundamentally for the money they come with, plus an additional frivolous perception of being a so and so.
With this mentality, many of those who chase after job titles lose a sense of themselves and what really matters.
For them, it is all about acquiring that superficial 'title' and they will do whatever it takes to get those. Hence many, lose out on important stuff when they get those titles or when they are in their pursuit. Because these may come with responsibilities that are taxing, They may lose out on having time for themselves, lose out on spending time with their loved ones, and ultimately lose who they essentially are for the sake of a title.
Worst of all, the mentality of chasing after job titles makes people malevolent. They become backstabbers, they become gossip mongers, and pretty much uncomfortable people to work with. This is one of the negative outcomes that essentially build a monster that will not only exist in their professional spaces but transcend to their social circles and families as well. The malevolent nature that their chase brings, builds a monstrous overall character and identity.
This also brings some form of entitlement for when they have been in a company for a while. Some tend to be entitled to be given higher positions because they have been there for a certain number of years. This then invites disgruntlement and unhappiness, which may lead to depression when another person gets afforded the position they have been longing for.
Chasing after job titles also makes one lose out on many valuable experiences and skills if they want to jump from being a junior straight to an executive. Because they arrive there and are seen as incompetent and unskilled, fairly so because they were so concerned with the title rather than their skills development and being a person of value to their marketplace.
If money is what you are after, attempting to acquire it through a job title is not the ideal way of doing so. There are many other ways to acquire the money you desire rather than solely trying to get it through your job.
When you have acquired a sufficient skill set, the title will naturally be fit for you rather than aiming to have it by any means necessary.
Rather aim to be a person of value. Then the rest shall follow.